
Spring Lawn Care Pack



When it comes to caring for your lawn, Spring is one of the key periods of the year. It’s when growth begins and we set our lawns up for Summer. That’s why we put together our Spring Lawn Care Packs, to give you the products you need to kick start your lawn and give you great value at the same time.

Our Beginner Pack is designed for a lawn that needs some restoration and weed control. Get your lawn back under control this Spring with our Beginner Spring Lawn Care Pack, with high quality broad spectrum weed control to knock out those pesky lawn weeds. Once they’re gone it’s time to give the lawn and soil the nutrition it needs to fill in those gaps and give your lawn density and amazing colour.

Our Professional Pack is designed to keep your lawn running at its best. With controlled release fertiliser and high iron content the MP PRO 22 (20kg) delivers nice even growth and amazing colour. The MATCHPLAY Aquaturf (20kg) granules resets your soil, the wetting agent helps water penetrate evenly into your soil. Combined together you get even water infiltration and even nutrition through your soil. Plus Acelepryn (4kg), the professional standard in insecticide protects your lawn against African Black Beetle and the dreadful Porina.

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